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Thursday, 13 June 2013

Potty issues

I was planning to write this post for a long time, if we need to "potty train" or just wait until kids are ready. But I was kept postponing and postponing until Benji has started to use the toilet himself. So I can now draw the conclusion that no, there is no need to potty "train", when they are ready they loose the nappy in a week.

We didn't do anything either, apart from before bathtime asking him if he wants to sit on the potty or not. Sometimes he wanted to, sometimes he wasn't interested. We only needed to be strong and fight off the pressure of our environment like "Oh, is he still wearing nappies?!" or "My daughter is using the potty since she was 1.5" or "Shouldn't you make him sit on the potty every morning so he gets used to it"?
No, not really I thought, I knew he won't do his GCSEs in nappies..

And here we came: about 3 weeks ago the Nursery told us if the day after we want to bring Benji in pants and some extra clothes as for the last three days he was asking the staff when he wanted to use the potty or the toilet. First I was a bit scared as at home he never did tell us when he needed to use the toilet, but I thought lets be it!
The day after we took him in only in his pants, and he came home dry, only one accident! After this he started to say at home too when he needed it, and asked for the lots of "Good Boy" stickers which the nursery has given him every time he told them he needed the loo.
So in a week he become potty "trained". Even at night he doesn't need a nappy, but I still put it on him just in case, and until I buy a waterproof sheet onto the mattress.

I have now a very big and clever boy! So proud of him!

And my little one also, who in the last week at last pushed his first tooth through. Actually two of them, one up and one right under it. He even learnt how to scratch them together. eeeek
And he is so cute as he laughs with his two little mini teeth, I love him!

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