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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, 3 June 2013

10 months old Little Mr

Little Bobin  has become 10 months old over the weekend. Actually he is not so little anymore (or never has been), he is about 11kgs (was 10.5 about a month ago), but he is cutely round, board shouldered and very bitable little chunky man.
He loves being naked, we were joking that he is going to be a nudist as he loves when we change his nappy or undress him. He starts laughing and "runs off" and really complains loudly if we try to put some clothes back on him.
His love of nakedness also shows at bathtimes as he giggles, splashes, laughs when he is in the bath and hates coming out of it. (absolutely opposite to his brother who still screams when we wash his hair or if the smallest drop of water touches his face).

He also started crawling about two weeks ago, and now he became really fast, especially when he is naked (see above...). He can pull himself up to standing as well, claps, waves, chats.
He still doesn't have any teeth, but I keep thinking is not long now as his gums are really swollen (although I think this now for a month). More over the last three nights he woke up really crying in the middle of the night and we hardly could settle him back again.
But he still doesn't like pureed food and rather chew on things. But without any teeth?! I am left with looking for sign of choking all the time. Oh well.

His fluffy red hair started to be blond at the roots, so look like he is going to be blond in the end. :-(

At the weekend it was really nice weather again (one of those rare days when it was better weather here than in Hungary..he he), so we were doing some gardening, window cleaning with Mr OCDs (Richard and Benji), we visited Tamworth playground where there was  a mini fun fair. Benji dared to go on the little airplanes with Richard (mini miracle...)

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