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Monday, 23 December 2013

Preparing for Christmas

This year I am rationally trying to slow myself down for Christmas and really show the kids the joy of anticipation and waiting for something rather than just have the feeling "Oh I just wish we were over it".
Unfortunately for Richard this means that I do not really bother if the house is a mess, and because he gets frustrated if something is on the worktop or if the toys are out on the carpet longer than an hour, or if he can't hoover up in the morning, he is stressed. I try to tell him to relax, lets stay in Pjs, its not important, we have the whole weekend ahead of us,but not, he can not rest.
But I still hold on, and try not to 'lets quickly" mop up, but we made some biscuits (and more mess..) and decorated them with the boys. Benji made a squirrel for Dina, a heart for Nagyi, then he got bored, but bit into another 3, and broke another 3-4, so I could only save a plateful. Nevermind tomorrow we make snow horseshoes biscuits, which were tradition in our house when I was a child.
And I can not wait for Christmas to see their faces, and I really hope this big storm will go away by the 26th so we can fly home safely!

Have to test them...

And have to test the green icing tube as well...

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