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Thursday, 7 November 2013

Things I love Thursday

Since it is Things I love Thursday today, it reminded me that I have a blog...we were really busy the last couple of weeks, work, illnesses, friends.
However we had a weekend with a plus hour. Plus it was a childless weekend as the kids stayed with Nana and Granddad. Which I am really grateful for as we both woke up with a slight hangover thanks to the comedy night which could only be enjoyed with drinks. The day after we even went for a walk in Sutton Park with friends. In the rain. Survived :-)
Although we had some good weather as well at the weekend so we could go bicycling with Benji, he is getting really good on his balance bike. 1 hour around the area stopping every now and then to spot where "ugly people" threw some rubbish on the floor.

This weekend gone, since it was Bonfire night we decided to go and see Tamworth firework display. They were really excited which only lasted until we passed our front door. Then:
It is cold. When are we going to park the car? Why are we not parking here? Where is the other car park? It is cold. I don't want my hat. It is cold. I want my hat. I rather have my warm coat. Where are we going? Where is the fireworks? When will the fireworks start? It is cold. Here, some Toffee Apple. Yeah, thank you! I don't like Toffee Apple. I want a flashing thingy! No, we are not getting a flashing thingy. I want a flashing thingy. It is cold. Richard, how much a flashing thingy could cost? It is cold. When will firework start? Ok, lets buy them a flashing thingy. Yeaahhh, flashing thingy! I want the spinning one. I want Robin's now. I want the spinning one back. Look, it is almost starting now. My nose is running. It is cold. Look, the fireworks starting.. BANG. Oh, take me up. BANG. Look, how nice it is! BANG. When are we going back to the car? BANG. I don't like fireworks...

So our little night out didn't end as it was planned, but on the bright side there wasn't a traffic jam on the way back home, and now we have two flashing thingies...

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