Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

When the children are ill

It was already suspicious on Friday, that neither of them had appetite, on Saturday Robin started coughing and his difficult breathing, no naughtiness, no cheeky smiles, just wanted cuddles, cuddles and cuddles.
At night it has peaked, as he was really coughing, luckily not like last time, but he was coughing and kept waking himself up. So we brought him in our bed, so at least Benji could sleep, and until 3am, Richard was guarding him (as you couldn't really sleep because of his coughing) and from 3am I took over until the morning. And poor little Bobin was just whimpering and only could sleep very lightly. But he was so cute, like a newborn calf, he was searching for me in the dark half asleep, wriggling in his sleeping bag until he reached me, he relaxed. That's how he managed to sleep a little in the end, half asleep on my chest, half on the bed. There is something good in sleepless nights as well...

The day after the coughing peaked, and Benji started with his melancholy, he even said in the car himself that "Mummy, I feel sick" despite then he didn't even show any symptoms. However that night it was his turn to wonder out of their room, although he sorted it with 3 occasions only.
On Monday the other hand he was unmanageable. I blame it on the lack of sleep, but he was really like a teanager. Nothing was good enough, didn't listen to me, talked back, misbehaved at Nature Tots, hitting others with soft toys, not listening to the story, pushing Robin...etc
Adding a grouchy Robin, who only wanted to be in hand (with his 14 kgs), I couldn't wait for Richard to come home, and had to go for a run to air my head...

(Luckily now they both feel better, Robin has got back his cheeky smile, and one can talk to Benji without getting some silliness back)

Sleeping on me, making one arm numb...

Happy in the morning

One cheeky bee, and cheeky spider...

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Snapshots of a short journey

I have managed to find a cheaper ticket to Hungary, so we went home with the kids, for 5 days and 4 nights. It was so quick that I hardly sat down, we were back on the plane to England. Although I have to say I fully used the time we were given: children concert, family, friends, coffee in Starbucks, theatre, bicycling, playhouse.
I can only show some snapshots:

We are at the airport on the way there. I have bought two Kinder eggs for the boys so there is something to pass time with. Yes, for about 5 minutes... In Benji's one there was a My Little Pony bracelet (He didn't listen when I tried explaining to him not to choose the one with the pink wrapping as most probably there will be a girly present in it...), nevertheless, he was really happy with it: He put it on and started running around shouting "I'm a beautiful Princess! I'm a beautiful Princess!"...At least there was a digger on his (pink) jumper if anyone wondered...

Still at the airport. 5 minutes gone. They are running around. Robin (of course) falls on his face, onto the little plastic car. Crying, I run there, pick him up, his nose and lips are bleeding. Brilliant, we didn't even leave the country. And of course this is the point when they change the boarding gate from 1 to 16, so had to carry him (and the rest of our stuff) to the other side of the airport.

First day there, my mum bought tickets to Kaláka concert (an old band which plays children music). "When will it start mummy??" for about 15 minutes.
Its starts. "Mummy, I think this is going to be great!". For about 3 minutes. After that all I get that I am not his friend, and he visibly had enough. Robin dances and toddles around. I am enjoying the music :-)
At least after 45 minutes Benji bravely went to the lead singer (a 65 year old, really kind looking man) to get an autograph onto the gift CD. He even said his name. About 7 times as the man didn't understand Laker...

We are at home, Robin loves Csoda (the dog), he keeps pointing at him saying "Dodo", strokes his back, picking it's nose, pulling his ear.
He likes the cat just as much, I think he even said cica in Hungarian..
He learnt to make pig noise. No, we don't have a pig, in books only...

After eating his dinner: "Benji, would you like a slice of cake? Or a Túró Rudi?"
"Yes, Túró Rudi!!!"
Túró Rudi wins all the time, over anything.

My mum pours something into the toilet, then flushes it, Benji next to me in the living room after hearing the noise: "Yeah!!, Papi came home!!"
:-) No comment...

At the doctors he was such a hero, he let the doctor properly examining his bottom (poo problems, topic of another post). The same night, or rather the next dawn I can hear little feet coming to my room, that he wants to sleep in my bed. He very rarely does this so of course I let him, so he was sleeping next to me with his little warm body, calmly snuffing next to me. I am really lucky.

On the way home at the plane we weren't so lucky as a woman sat next to us at the corridor side, so me and Robin had to squeeze into the middle, Benji at the window.
But the woman was even more unlucky, she fell asleep. 10 minutes later Benji started: Mummy I need wee-wee". Ok, waking-up the woman, squeeze out, carry two kids to the toilet, Benji does his stuff in the loo, while I am chasing Robin in the corridor. Squeeze back to our seat, the woman falls asleep again. 10 minutes later, Benji: "Mummy, I need a poo-poo". Ok, waking-up the woman again, squeeze out, carry the two kids to the toilet, while Benji screaming in the loo (yes, everyone could hear it), Robin is fixing the buffet trolley and taking apart the tower made out of the plastic glasses. But we have done it!, Gone back to our seat, and the woman fell asleep again.
We couldn't have been that bad if she could fall asleep 3(!) times next to a very fidgety 1.3 year old, and a very chatty 3.5 year old....

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Things I love Thursday

Since it is Things I love Thursday today, it reminded me that I have a blog...we were really busy the last couple of weeks, work, illnesses, friends.
However we had a weekend with a plus hour. Plus it was a childless weekend as the kids stayed with Nana and Granddad. Which I am really grateful for as we both woke up with a slight hangover thanks to the comedy night which could only be enjoyed with drinks. The day after we even went for a walk in Sutton Park with friends. In the rain. Survived :-)
Although we had some good weather as well at the weekend so we could go bicycling with Benji, he is getting really good on his balance bike. 1 hour around the area stopping every now and then to spot where "ugly people" threw some rubbish on the floor.

This weekend gone, since it was Bonfire night we decided to go and see Tamworth firework display. They were really excited which only lasted until we passed our front door. Then:
It is cold. When are we going to park the car? Why are we not parking here? Where is the other car park? It is cold. I don't want my hat. It is cold. I want my hat. I rather have my warm coat. Where are we going? Where is the fireworks? When will the fireworks start? It is cold. Here, some Toffee Apple. Yeah, thank you! I don't like Toffee Apple. I want a flashing thingy! No, we are not getting a flashing thingy. I want a flashing thingy. It is cold. Richard, how much a flashing thingy could cost? It is cold. When will firework start? Ok, lets buy them a flashing thingy. Yeaahhh, flashing thingy! I want the spinning one. I want Robin's now. I want the spinning one back. Look, it is almost starting now. My nose is running. It is cold. Look, the fireworks starting.. BANG. Oh, take me up. BANG. Look, how nice it is! BANG. When are we going back to the car? BANG. I don't like fireworks...

So our little night out didn't end as it was planned, but on the bright side there wasn't a traffic jam on the way back home, and now we have two flashing thingies...