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Sunday, 22 September 2013

He has stood up and now walking too!

Robin made his first steps on Wednesday. Typical Robin style. Not carefully, by holding onto something then slowly step by step, like Benji was doing. No. Robin takes a big breath and off he goes, 5-6 quick steps on his wobbly, chunky legs, then head in smashes into the ground (as he has not learnt yet to put his arms front of him), so he crashes into the floor with his nose or forehead whichever reaches ground first. But as soon as he crashed he looks up, grins at us as if saying that "this deserved a clap". So we clap and can't kiss enough his little nose and forehead which becomes redder and redder.

Although he is getting better and better by the day. Now on Sunday, he has learnt how to fall with hands first, he managed to stand up from a sitting position, moreover once he managed to stop himself after he made a few steps, he stopped, balanced, grinned, clapped himself. Then set down on his bum.

It was actually a really nice weather this weekend, so we decided to paint our fence (it really needed it ever since we moved in) Benji helped and he really enjoyed himself and how much of a "big boy" he is. Poor him had a tonsilitis this week, so it was good to see him back in his old form, as at the beginning of the week he was really not himself, was just sitting and staring front of him, or whinging.

He was really cute though one of the days. I had a white shirt on because of work, and when we were getting ready for bath, he stroke my arm and the shirt, and with a thinking face looked at me: "Mummy you are really nice." Just like that. I love having boys! (although had to quickly go and tell Richard that at least his son says compliments :-))

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