Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, 21 April 2013

One good day

Or rather two, as Richard stayed at  home on his birthday on Friday and the days are much better when its not just three of us.
Benji and me made a cake on Thursday together, lemon and poppy seed cake, the only problem that it stuck into the baking paper... :-( Tasted good though.
We had birthday lunch at Packing Moor Farm Shop, was a nice and sunny day, nice food, nicely behaved children, nice scenery.

The next day because (at last) it was warm and sunny and because it was a free day at most of National Trust Properties we have visited Sudbury Hall. It is about 45 minutes drive away, but it was worth it, the boys slept all way and when we arrived they enjoyed the "castle", the woodland play area, running around the like, the museum of childhood and trying out the toys, and it was a good "adult program" for us too.
Opposite of the Hall there was a nice, old, englishy pub with a nice garden space where we could watch the tractors going by, we have had some nice pub food and a glass or two wine.
In the meantime Benji was running around (or shyly watching the older boys) and Robin was eating grass.

When we got home the sun was shining till late, so we could plant some herbs and veg seeds in the garden while Benji was running around and Robin was eating stone. (Nowadays in about every 5 minutes you can hear the sentence "What's in your mouth again Robin" under our roof)

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