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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Christmas Part 1

Or Part 1 and 1 and half?
It is 24th today 20.53, tomorrow our planes to Hungary leaves at 6am. Boys in bed, almost fully packed, wine in hand, so time to put the pictures up while I have a little time.
We have done quite a lot over the past few days, and I had moments when I felt a clone would be beneficial, but we have done pretty well, no major argument, no breakdowns, not so many grey hair developed despite still working until yesterday. was rather "working" with the two boys at home and Christmas looming.

Still managed to make some gingerbread biscuits, which I have already given up making this year, but the boys received some from Daisy and the first thing Benji said was "Mami, lets make these at home, these are so much fun!". So I took a big breath and said "Ok, lets go to the shop and get some flour".
We made half a portion, but it was actually fun, and Benji actually helped more than last year, he rolled the dough, cut the shapes, decorated them, telling me which one will be whose. And last but not least they turned out pretty well, they soft which how I like it and Benji is eating loads of them.

On Sunday we went to celebrate Christmas at Jayne's, and then again on Tuesday as Richard's cousing was coming to visit us from America and we wanted to see them too.
Then we celebrated just the 4 us tonight on Christmas Eve, how I got used to it, dressed up, nice food, put the music on, opening presents. Of course the boys were quarreling ("I want that one!"), Robin was crying because he scared of the dark when we put the christmas lights on. But it went, and worth to see Benji shouting "thank you Santa for my Power rangers!! Can I have a green one too?!".
Good job Richard bought that extra Power Rangers figurine (good job we went to see Santa and Benji whispered his wish to Santa) as that little thing was the one which made him the happiest. He was more excited to hand presents out, counting them, ripping the papers off, shouting WOW. Same as Jayne's, he just wanted to hand out all the presents He found under the tree, and seemed that already made him happy. And of course the plane. The plane which he had to sleep with :-)
At school's nativity

"Buuurp, buuurp, burp burp"

Origami Frog? Hmmm....

Oh the Jelly!

Harry Potter

"Look Robin, this is fantastic!"

Friday, 19 December 2014

More Santa

At the weekened we have gone to visit the English Santa at Shughborough Hall with our little friend Oscar and family.
It was very well organised even, wasn't crowded at all. There were elves all alone to talk to the children and us, making them balloons, entertain them.
There was a Mrs Santa while waiting to get into Santa's room. She was talking to the children about Santa, and allowed them to stir the christmas pudding she was making for Mr Santa.
When Robin was stirring the pudding, he just looked at it strangley and commented simply that it is a "poo". To be fair, it looked like it.
Then Mrs Santa asked Benji and Oscar if they know what they need to leave out for Santa. Benji knew the biscuit, but when Mrs Santa asked what does Santa likes to drink, Benji replied without hesitation that "Beer!". He wasn't so far off as when we were walking around at the servan'ts quarter, we saw where Santa sleeps and he had a fine Bushmills whiskey on his bedside table.
Santa spoke to them as well, both Benji and Robin was nodding fast when asked if they were good boys. Benji also asked for Power Rangers making us panic as we already got gifts for them and they do not include Power rangers (I dont even know what they are. Doubt Benji does).
We had a nice train round around the estate, and a nice meal at Wolsely Arms afterwards.
We also had Tamworth's charity Santa sleigh driving around Tamworth the other night, both boys run to the window, and they were exctatic to see Santa waving up to the window to them. Benji was so happy, he said "I love Santa so much, I will marry Santa!" (so cute, he is interested in nowadays that people who love eachother ends up marrying. I don't think he really grasped it yet :-))

Writing their requests to Santa. Beni's read: Lego, remote controlled car, Superheros...

Stirring the "poo"

Opening the advent calendar

Monday, 8 December 2014

Hungarian Santa celebrations

That time of the year again, when Santa comes for little Hungarian boys. Boys were really waiting, though Bobin was a bit ill, and still needs to understand the traditions as much as Benji does, but he still was there with the shoe shining. Whatsmore of course they had to argue about that as well, and about who is holding the spray, which side of the window their boot wll go...etc etc etc.
So last minute had to send Richard to snap two little stick of the tree to put them in their boot as "whips" so they know they have been naughty not just good. (this is also a hungarian tradition, not being sadistic..)
Santa arrived while they were in the bath again - just missed Him again! - so they run in all naked, quickly jumped to the window checking their boots. I can only hope no neighbours were watching at this point, otherwise God knows what they think of us seeing two naked little boys in the window shaking two wellies for chocolates...
The day after the Birmingham Hungarian community organised a proper Santa celebration, like in my childhood, on the stage with a santa, calling every children's personally, singing together, having a little craft corner, everyone taking in food. It was really good, especially that they heard other people talking Hungarian too. Though quite sad, that while Santa was on the stage, someone stole 80£ out of his pocket in the dressing room. Stealing from Santa?! that person didn't have a childhood for sure...

Trying to spot Santa's sleigh in the air