Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Things I love Thursday ♥

The weather was better this week, everyone was in a better mood, and kids start to come out of having a cold ♥ Though it is still good to have a cup of hot cinnamon and cherry tea ♥ Or a nice warm pot of chilli beef soup with chickpeas from Pret ♥ It was good to see Richard's family at the weekend, and it is really good that Grandma could see all her great grandchildren. It is especially good that Benji and Robin have 3 great grandmas! ♥ I love that Benji can so honestly be happy when he manages to do something alone, like putting his shoes on alone, or taking his jumper off. Then he comes to us with a proud grin on his face telling what a big boy he is, and smiles so proudly when we praise him ♥ This week I noticed in Robin that he loves being a little clown. He enjoys when he notices something we laugh at, then he keeps repeating the same thing until he gets the same reaction and he laughs laughs with us in enjoyment. For example he keeps doing his on purposely grumpy look as he noticed that everyone without exception laughs at him then, from bus drivers to cashiers. But it is undersandable as it IS really funny. Or when he is standing in the bath, leans down, puts his face in the water, makes a loud gurgling sound, then lifts his head up, looking at us with his wet face and dripping eyelashes, his face covered in foam bubbles. He continues this until we laugh. Or in the morning he entertains Benji in car by taking his little toy (which hangs from the window) in his mouth and shakes it like a dog. Benji can't stop laughing when he sees that. Then Robin looks at him, gives him a secret grin, then continues until Benji stops laughing. I just love them. ♥ Benji nowadays goes to Robin when he cries and says "Its all right Robin I am here now, Its all right" ♥♥ And it is fun how a box of our new dustbin caused hours of fun for them

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Family get together and first shoes

There was a big family get together at Jayne's house over the weekend. There were almost everyone there from her side, Richard's cousins, uncles, aunties. It was good to see everyone and hats off for Jayne for organising it. There were altogether 24 of us with 7 children, 6 of them boys...One can imagine all the car, plane, animal noises 6 running around boys could make...Poor Grandma hardly could keep up with them...

Small step for a mankind, but giant step for certain little someone: Little Bobin got his first shoes in size 5G...And he not just walking now, but using his little scooter bug (except that he cant get off it, just points at us and makes an "eeeeeeer" noise to help his majesty of his vehicle...

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Last week, Robin and croup

We didn't have such a good week...
It all started on Monday night when we have been waken up by Robin crying inconsolably and sounded like someone was strangling him, he couldn't breathe. It was really scary, I remembered that with a croup you have to take the child outside to fresh, cold air (although he didn't cough with a barking noise, like people usually described it to me, it was more like he was suffocating).
On the fresh air, he calmed down, and fell asleep on my shoulder, so I took him into our bed although he still breathed quite loudly with a stridor. Unfortunately about an hour later the same thing happened, and this time even the fresh air didn't calm him, he was kept crying and really couldn't breathe. So Richard took him to the A&E at 4am as it was really not like him and it was really scary.
At hospital we were told that it is croup, he received some steroids which helped him. When I went in, in the morning with some spare clothes he was walking around giving his signature grumpy look to the nurses and playing with the little train set.
He was kept in for 6 hours and were told to take him if it happens again in the next 48 hours. The same night he woke up only once but for an hour. We managed to calm him at home and went back to sleep till the morning. His loud breathing lasted about until Friday and he still snotty today.... I really hope this won't happen again and was just an unfortunate instance as it was really scary to see your child in pain and feel helpless that you can't make him better.

On the other hand before all this happen some good things happened too. On Monday we met up with Benji's friend Oscar and went to Tree Tots which was organised in a nearby school on Mondays. The boys really loved it, there was treasure hunt in the garden for certain type of leaves, then we decorated them, made leaf crowns, painted leaves, and listened to some autumn themed story. And it was all free. Will definitely go again.

Have to measure how tall is the record lego tower
And at the weekend after I have been at the hairdressers and Jayne picked me up we popped into next door Treat Street which is a coffee house for children full of sweets and chocolates. Even a little train is going around on the ceiling. A children heaven.
Benji didn't even know what to choose (his first time in a sweet shop), just a "a bit of this, bit of that". I am actually really proud of him as a week after we still have half a tub, as when asks I tell him just one (or two, depending on my mood) and he accepts that. Doesn't push it, no tantrums, he says ok, and chooses one. Sometimes he asks "what about after dinner?" then I say if he eats nice he can have another two. Then he says ok, and waits. The tub is in his sight and reach, and he still doesn't take it without asking. I have a really great big boy!

Daddy's boys...

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Things I like Thursday

What did I like last week?

My birthday of course, but I have already mentioned that ♥ Benji had his first flu vaccine, as a nose spray: really fantastic, tear and tantrum free ♥ we also had his first hair-wash when he didn't cry. It was really cute, Benji was watching us washing Robin's hair, and that he was laughing and we were telling him what a good boy he is. You could tell that he is really thinking about it. When it was his turn, he just stood up, tilt his head backwards and said that he won't cry. His knees were trembling, his eyes couldn't have been any narrower he was closing it so tight, but he didn't cry as he said he is a big boy now.. We praised him to bits. ♥ I love that he can be so enthusiastic about the smallest things, like this week about a pack on new pants. He was peeking into his trousers every 10 minutes smiling to check that yes he is wearing new pants. ♥ I like going for a walk with him on a bike this autumn weather, collecting conkers and making little figurines together (ok mostly me and Marina made them, he only did the hedgehog, but he was enjoying it) ♥ lovely warm cherry and cinnamon tea ♥ getting under a warm blanket in this cold weather ♥ watching Robin getting better at walking, dancing (which is basically kicking backwards with his left leg and slapping with his arms), can wave and say bye ('baaaa') while doing it ♥ running with my new pulse watch ♥ managed to book a good ticket to go home from 11-15 of November (yeeey!)

Sunday, 6 October 2013


I have to say I am really lucky.  I am lucky that I was born into the best family. I am lucky that I married into the best family. And I am lucky that we have created the best family.
I had a nice birthday (although what birthday is not nice?) with quite a few surprises. I had expected Richard's though, which was a heart monitoring watch for my running (I have already tried it and it is expected, running too fast which is ineffective and not so good for the heart..)

The first surprise was unexpected, which I started to "receive" the day before. I was coming back from work to Jayne's, and as soon as I opened the door Benji run to me shouting "Mummy, mummy we got you a surprise and we have hidden it in the car!!" At the background Richard and Jayne was laughing as they just hid it and told him not to tell me. I managed to get more information out of him that evening, that it is a nice gift and contains a snake...
All night I was thinking what could he describe as snake, maybe a scarf, a necklace....and oh, I was surprised in the morning that it was actually a snake :-) (ok a wooden one). Apparently he choose it for me especially when they went out for shopping with Nana.
I have also got a really nice card from him which I am sure Nana and Grandad helped him make: it has a shark, a dinosaurus, a letter B, and lots of bears on it. (he described them)

I also have received a present from Robin, Nana helped him make a lovely cookie jar with his hand and foot print. Really looks nice and very thoughtful.

The surprises continued at home, as my parents sent a parcel which has just happened to arrive on the day of my birthday. And although it was full with chocolate Túró Rudis for Benji, there was a little place for my gifts too and a real Szamos marzipan chocolate cake, so I wasn't left without a birthday cake either. :-)

The birthday celebration was closed with a nice dinner at Whittington Arms on Friday, with all four of us. I did want to go with the children as we have already celebrated our anniversary just the two of us. I almost regretted this decision as they both wanted to just run around before the food came, but once their was food front of them they were happy, and we could relax a little.
I also was grateful that Benji can speak in Hungarian too as he called the waiter lazy when he was too slow to get him a straw... and also shouted "Bogie" in hungarian after a good mining in his nose...

All in all, had a really good week (apart from difficulties at work) and really like my family!


Someone else also celebrated his birthday this week... Happy birthday Zander!