Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Wedding celebrations

I have to say, I love weddings. Not just mine, but anyone's I am invited to.
I like the atmosphere, I love comparing notes on the decorations, places, I love admiring the bride, and it is a place and time where everyone is happy and merry. I was glad to be invited to a childhood friend's, Gyöngyi's wedding.
She was beautiful as a bride, but I didn't expect anything different as she is beautiful anyway, even when she is not a bride...Her dress was really pretty too, very on trend with the laces and matched the ambience of the place which was at Visegrád Palace. It was cosy but in the same time grandiour and nice.
We took Robin there, so he could attend his first wedding of his life, although he has already been at Visegrád Palace, but couldn't have seen much from inside my belly about a year ago...

We were trying to explain Benji what a wedding is, and that there will be a bride in a nice white dress, so when she appeared we pointed her out, that "look there is the bride", then He pointed at a young man in a white suit:
"Look Mummy, there is another bride too!" (maybe should have explained a bit better, that usually there is only one bride, and usually they are women...)

He had another funny one, while the woman who married them asked them to pull the ring on eachother's finger, she said that it symbolises ethernity as it has no beginning and it doesn't finish.
Then Benji shouted up:
"mummy, it didn't finish yet!, it didn't finish!, didn't finish!" Even the ceremony woman smiled...

After the wedding we took Robin home for Edina to look after him, then we went back to the place of the party which was Udvarház restaurant. I have never heard of this place, which is a shame as it is on the top of one of Buda hills with magnificient views of whole Budapest. Can't beleive that we had so many English visitors in Budapest over the years and we never knew this place to take them to have lunch at! (next time)
Benji behaved really well during the dinner, he even found a little friend, called Lily, they were running around, dancing together most of the night.
He was really looking forward to the cake, but he was so tired that he fell asleep an hour before the cake came out. He was sleeping in my lap, so I spent the rest of the night watching the happenings from my chair. Luckily Tamás the photographer (who was the same guy as on our wedding, also the ceremony master was the same as Gyongyi liked both on our wedding) set up an improptu studio at the corner of the restaurant, so the guest could come and took pictures with the couple. There were funny wigs, clown noses, scarfs...etc, and the settings were funny too. I can't wait to see some of the pictures, I think they will be brilliant

I also was thinking back a lot to our wedding, many things were the same as 5 years ago, but also I wish we could have had a few things which they had. Did I say I like weddings? :-)
We enjoyed ourselves a lot and wish a lots of happiness for Buda and Gyöngyi!!

Who is leading who?

A bit of skirt arranging

To the young couple!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

And the Birthday continues...

..and now in Hungary. We luckily arrived home, at the moment just the 3 of use, but Richard will join us later. I was a bit worried how will the plain journey be with just me looking after them, but actually it wasn't much worse than if it was two of us. You can really count on Benji now. It might helped that he was really excited about us going that he did anything I asked him to do. He was counting the days back previously and he was adamant he could see Papi from the air when we started landing.
He doesn't stop talking since we arrived, and I can tell already that he uses quite a lot more Hungarian, which I am happy about, as in England he started to speak mainly in English only despite understanding me.
Robin is also a little happy chappy, especially about water and endless paddling. He finds the smallest bit of water to splash in. He had a fever again last night though, and I am really hoping it will go as unexpectadly as it came...

Still at the airport

Helping Papi with watering the garden

Batman's helper saving flower pots...

Finding the smallest little waters to get into and splash, having clothes on? No problem, he thinks...

Monday, 5 August 2013

Birthday Part 2.

On Sunday celebrations continued at Jayne at Peter's, to celebrate both Danny and Robin together with the close family. (although we were a bit hangover as the night before we were at another birthday celebration, Nikki's 40th) It was good to see the grandmas together, we even tried to take pictures together with the 4 great grandchildren, but the task was almost impossible. These are the 2 best pictures out of the approximately 25 I took.

Zander is there too... :-)

Thursday, 1 August 2013

1 year old!

It is not a question why I was grateful today: our little cheeky son is 1 today, whom with his 12kg and 76cm is not so little at all.
I could write many cliches, like how fast this year has gone, and how fast he grew up, and how good that he is with us. Which of course all is true, but thats just natural. Everything is good as it is, although sometimes being a mum-of-two trials my patience (which is low anyway), and I am forever
lacking time. However I can not imagine any different now, and also it is difficult to remember back how was life with only one child (despite thinking "Oh my God, what did I find so hard with one child?")
I was a little bit afraid how life will be with two sons, that they will grow on my head, and they will be forever naughty. But actually I am pretty lucky. Most of the time they nice to each other (there is a usual sibling rivalry, but its manageable). I love watching them being cheeky together, chasing eachother, giggling, and I love Robin's no-fear, naughty, cheeky, brave personality.
I like that they I really different, as I can enjoy Robin's developing personality the same, the little new things he does amuse me the same. There is a little secret waiting for me to find out about him too.
I am not sure however if I should be happy or scared that there is no fear in him what so ever. He climbs the stairs, he jumps in the water, climbs off the bed, eats stones as if it was natural, and does not care if we tell him off. Just laughs more. He loves widening his boundaries (and ours...).
On the other hand he is much more touchy-feely, and loves his hugs. He also kisses you in his own way, although sometimes it is still a lick or a big bite. He comes in your arms, pulls your head close to his head with his chunky arms, opens his mouth and "bites" you smiling where he can. I love it.
I was really nostalgic today, how was it a year ago (and why my caesarean scar still has not faded), but it was really strange in the afternoon. I have put him into his bed for a nap around half 1, he usually sleeps only 1-1,5 hours, but today I was still watching my watch around half 3 that he is still asleep, what could happen. Then at 4.04, exactly the hour and minute when he was born, he cried up. (really...not just making it up). Crying like a year ago. Of course I went up and kissed his little chubby, soft face to bits.

I have made him a small millet-apricot kind of rice cake, which we (and Marina) had to try at lunch time, so I could only cut out a little circle for him for the evening when we had our little celebration. But I am not worried as we will go to Jayne's on Sunday, and also to home in week, I am sure there will be plenty of cakes for him still.
He has got lots of presents, musical toys never fail, as  he loves to have a little jiggle.
We even had a mini party as Marina came around to celebrate him. I feel a little a guilty that we couldn't arrange his family and friends to come around like we did for Benjamin's 1st, but I hope you will understand son, that it was not possible this year.
But I promise that I will try to make it up in the next 50 years at least!
Happy Birthday my Little Bobin! xxxxxx